ZEvRA Project Consortium Meeting: Advancing Automotive Innovation and the Circular Economy

At the beginning of summer, the second consortium meeting of the ZEvRA project took place in Tampere, Finland, hosted at the VTT premises. The 28-partner-strong group gathered to review the project’s progress at the six-month mark and outline the next steps to advance the automotive sector and raise awareness of the circular economy.

To foster collaboration and drive innovation within the project, two workshops were organised.

Workshop 1: Led by Eurecat -Technology Centre, this workshop explored the 9R strategies to better understand the specific requirements for various use cases within ZEvRA, including steel, aluminium, thermoplastic composites, short fibre plastics, glass, tyres, and rare earth elements.

Workshop 2: Hosted by EDAG Group, this interactive workshop enabled partners to investigate each use case, sharing domain knowledge to better demonstrate the circular car concept.We are excited for the project progress, follow along the ZEvRA journey on LinkedIn and keep up with the future advancements in the project.

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