ZEvRA Project Embarks on a Groundbreaking Journey towards ZeroEmission Road Transport

In line with the European Commission’s aim to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2035, ZEvRA, a research initiative funded under Horizon Europe, has officially commenced its mission torevolutionise the circularity of light-duty Electric Vehicles (EVs). With 28 partners from 13countries, the consortium seeks to reshape the entire EV value chain from raw materials to end-of-life processes.

Running from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026, the project boastsEuropean Commission’s commitment to circularity in automotive €11.4 million in grant funding, including support from Northumbia University, UK. The collaborative effort, led by 28 partners, targets sustainability improvements in materials, production processes, and end-of-life considerations for EVs.

The kickoff meeting at Fraunhofer IWU in Chemnitz from January 23-25, 2024, witnessed approximately 75 participants joining together in workshops on “Circular exonomy methodology” led by Eurecat and “Circular car prototype” led by EDAG set the foundation for the project’s objectives.

ZEvRA’s innovative Design fpr Circularity (DfC) methodology will be validated by developing zero-emission solutions for over 84% of the material mix, including steel, aluminium, composites, plastics, and tyres. To amplify the impact, ZEvRA plans to launch a dedicated training and upskilling programme for the automotive workforce and academia. Simultaneosly, awareness initiatives will be deployed to foster understanding and acceptance of zero-emission solutions and circularity practices in automotive.

ZEvRA’s commitment extends to circular buisness models for end-of-life and logistics, aiming to enhance circularity’s economic feasibility in EVs. The project envisions transforming the life cycle and value chain of at least 59% of European EVs by 2035, collaborating with five Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Tier 1 companies.

As ZEvRA embarks on this transformative journey, stakeholders, industry enthusiasts, and the publix are invited to follow and engage in the project’s progress, shaping the future of zero-emission road transport.

For more information, contact: zevra@iwu.fraunhofer.de

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